Seeing things from different points of view.
The Second Meaning of Design is being able to switch between different points of view. Big picture or small details? High fidelity or rough illustration? Vision or execution? Choosing the right distance is crucial for the success of a project. Start designing without a vision and you’ll soon get feasibility problems and negative feedback from…
Solving problems, for people
The First Meaning of Design is to find solutions for problems. Have you ever thought about what a problem is? After spending some time trying to solve them, I realized how much problems are things that are deeply centred on people. They may be a pain point or an action that is impossible to complete.…
My Oath of Design
Recently, I’ve been thinking about my personal interpretation of what Design is. I read an article about the Oath of Design, which has been an inspiration for me. Immediately, I felt like my work as it was driven by a personal Oath, yet to be formalized.